4 Daily Habits to Improve Life

We’re all creatures of habit in one way or another. Habits make our life whether we purposely take action or we are just doing something because that is what we’re used to. So take that natural inclination of human nature to your advantage and purpose to get in the habit of doing the things that move you forward. I’ve simplified a few activities down to 4 daily habits to improve life for you and all those around you – especially your family.

pots and plant in dirt "Daily habits to support your growth"

First, a bit of a preamble to the short list. These are suggestions for you to consider, try out, and take your own spin on. This is not your instruction to live a wonderful life. You may just get one awesome takeaway from this whole article (I’m praying for more though!) or you may be awakened to a process that is just what you’ve been looking for. Either way, remember to not take on anyone’s advice or teaching as the absolute truth for you. Take what resonates with you. 

Always test what you learn. Always be true to your personality and honour the way God made you. Always be learning (more on this below) and always be open. That’s how to live a wonderful life. 

Read on to get the major and minor takeaways in the content below!


You Only Need 4 Daily Habits to Improve Your Life

I’ve left a lot of wiggle room in these four daily habits because I like to try and simplify so it’s easy for me to adapt a core belief into an actionable approach in my fluid life. To expand on my mention above about us all being creatures of habit, I see that as a good thing even though I do have a few habits that I could do away with {cough “nighttime snacking”}. 

What I’ve had the most success with is replacing a not-so-good habit with a beneficial one instead of just trying to stop the habit altogether {like healthy nighttime snacking}. Keep that in mind as you read through the four habits and think how you can integrate some of these suggestions (as it fits with the awesome unique individual that you are!) and adapt them to fit your personal style and your available time in each day.  

Habit 1: Get a Motivating Morning Routine

You surely have a morning routine and some of it will stay just how it is, but what actions and activities can you intentionally do in the morning because it puts you in the right frame of mind to take on anything that may come your way during the day?

What is motivating, rejuvenating, encouraging and uplifting for you? 

For me it is walking the trails around my property, stretching, strengthening, reading the bible and usually a bible study or teaching of some sort, and coffee (which is so uplifting to me!). This is what makes my morning routine along with some other tasks like feeding the animals, putting away dishes and tending to my indoor garden. 

Make your morning routine what works for you and be sure to go with the flow when another action/activity seems intriguing and helpful for you. Your routine is bound to change over time and that’s just the way it should be, but be sure to keep 2-3 morning activities that motivate, rejuvenate, encourage and uplift you.

Habit 2: Get a Beneficial Bedtime Routine

How you end your day matters too! What can you do to make your sleep better and put good positive thoughts in your head as you drift off to sleep?  Actually how you put yourself to sleep has an effect on how you wake up, so your nighttime routine may be just a smidge more important than your morning routine. 

I’ve regularly read uplifting books although I find bedtime reading often puts me to sleep quickly now, so reading happens erratically at night. Some things I’ve done from time to time are journal writing or writing of any kind, prayer, listening to relaxing music and drinking tea (something herbal to sip and savour).

Think “relaxing” for activities before sleeping time. There could be various activities that fall into this category, so if you’re having trouble thinking of two or three perfect-for-now leisurely activities then sit down with a pen and paper and get brainstorming. If you purpose to come up with a beneficial bedtime routine you will think of the right activities for you at this point in your life. 

Uncover Your Vision and Purpose

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If you need to get clarity on what you're meant to do - on what YOU were created for - then this short course is for you. Check it out and get moving forward on what matters.

Habit 3: Mix Exercise with Prayer, Reflection and Listening to Scripture

This habit can be combined with habits one and two, but whether it makes your morning or bedtime routine this is something to include in your day somewhere and maybe even a few times throughout the day! 

What I’m really trying to focus on with this one is to mix physical and spiritual. So, some type of movement, like walking, stretching, or any type of exercising with some type of spiritual practice. Make the time to benefit your body and mind. And most importantly, make the time to connect with your Creator.

Habit 4: Always be Learning

Nurture the habit of learning every day – for your whole life. If you don’t have a learning list already, then get one going. I know you have many things you’d like to know, whether it’s to be equipped with a new skill or armed with more knowledge. I’ve got a number of things I want to learn. Some are still plans for the future and some I’m learning bit by bit as it fits into my day. 


The daily habit is to devote a minimum of 15 minutes every day to move forward on your learning goals. Everyone has 15 minutes they can use for a learning break, so this is achievable for everyone. The challenge may be getting yourself accountable to make it a daily habit so you can eventually attain the goal. 


For a bit more encouragement in accountability, check out How to Build Self Discipline to Do What Matters. I don’t have a magic system to follow to always keep moving forward in all areas of life, but I do have determination. I waver. I stop the daily things that move me forward. I get frustrated when I’m realizing how long I’ve been working toward a certain goal that I haven’t made much progress in. 


But I don’t give up on what I know is God’s plan for me. 


If you need to get a bit of clarity on what you want to accomplish in your life and haven’t written down what some goals are in different areas of your life then get a bit of direction with my article, Writing Your Story (linked to image below). 


You should also go through the short video series Uncover Your Vision and Purpose.  

open book image with 'story' of awesome family life

Writing Your Story

See this post for more info on creating your Dreaming and Planning Book - includes a video where I share my experience creating and maintaining mine.

Written by Steph Morrison

Steph MorrisonSteph has been building businesses, mostly from home, for over 10 years, motivated by her strong determination that her two youngest boys would be educated at home. Pursuing her calling to help parents enjoy the responsibility of educating their children, she works in the marketing department of The Old Schoolhouse®, and coaches and trains entrepreneurs to start and grow their business from home. Her and her family are perfectly placed in the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada. She loves being a homebody and building up her permaculture property. Learn more about Steph at the About Steph page.

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