A life well lived is a life led with purpose, with adaptability and with a strong commitment to make every day matter. Each day can be significant for different reasons and what truly matters does change throughout the different stages of our lives, but by making a point of focusing on the meaningful parts of life you will discover what you’re meant to be doing to live the fulfilling and satisfying life that seems to elude the majority of people.

Be open to change and discover purpose in life

Maybe you already know what your calling is (at least for this part of your life) or have a pretty good idea of how to achieve your unique purpose-driven life. If that’s you, I’m glad you’re here reading because you’re still ‘seeking’ and hopefully understand that our calling/purpose/life vision isn’t something to discover once and then live out. We need to be regularly on the lookout for how our calling many be shifting and how our vision is becoming wider and clearer. For others, you may be here to get some clarity on what your purpose is or discover some insight on how to make your life more impactful and meaningful. I’m so glad you’re here too, because you will get some clarity where there has been confusion or mystery.


At my 44 years of age, I’ve done lots of soul searching and spiritual seeking to learn more about myself and to discover the path to living a fulfilling life. That searching and seeking started in my late teens and hasn’t stopped. I don’t ever want to stop and I believe we are all meant to be continually changing and challenging our conditioned thinking and our way of looking at the world around us. Not in a way that we are changing just for the sake of change (been there, done that, and the change never ends up being in the right direction), but changing because we are maturing and realizing a better way.


We should be adjusting our habits, perspectives and physical actions as we notice how they aren’t helpful but only holding us back. We should be making ourselves available to experience different things and expand our circle of influence. This adjusting and adapting is what is needed to break out of a rut and break into the life we are meant to live. Change can be seen as something negative, but it’s really the main thing that brings everyone into a fresh perspective about how life could be better. It doesn’t even matter whether it’s a forced change (pandemic anyone?) or a chosen change – change is the catalyst to living a life of purpose and amazing fulfillment. 

Embracing the change is how you make yourself available to the revelation of your calling.


Are you Stuck in Your Ways?

One of the major obstacles to experiencing life to its fullest is not adjusting your plan or ideals as needed. I’m a big advocate of writing out short and long-term goals and making a plan for what you want to see in your life. That plan needs to be adjustable though. It’s more about the process of planning and goal-setting that brings you closer to your calling. You may very well be living out what is satisfying and fulfilling to you and positively impacting other people, but that doesn’t mean that’s what you’re meant to do for the rest of your life. Your purpose will shift. You were not created to be stagnant. You were created for many different roles.


My Story of Adjusting and Being Available

As a mother, I definitely count raising my boys in a certain way a calling. Before they were even born I knew I would be educating them at home and over the years I’ve discovered a family life that is part of that calling as well. I’ve had vision boards and planning books with my goals and dreams written out for well over 20 years now and while I have always had lots of business ideas and projects planned out I never thought part of my work would be in the homeschooling industry. About 2 years ago I started working for The Old Schoolhouse and that was not something I had thoughts or plans for at all. It wasn’t completely out of character as I had a slight interest in helping more families see the benefits of educating their children at home, but I thought I just may create a few motivational videos on homeschooling and maybe reach out to homeschoolers for coaching in starting a home-based business so they could be making money while still being at home with their children.


Turns out the work I do in the homeschooling industry is VERY MUCH my calling. It’s perfectly suited to my marketing skills and has been a source of continued skill building in areas that I love! Working with this company was the beautiful work of God perfecting His vision for His work and if I didn’t adjust my perception of what work I thought I should be doing, I would have missed out on the work that I am meant to be doing.


Being stuck in your ways, either because you’ve got your plan written out and want to keep on track with that or have no plan, but just attached to the comfort and security of the same-old-same-old, holds you back from living the life you were created for.

The calling on your life is magnificent – and suited especially to you.

You may not know exactly what that is but making some effort to discover your purposeful life is one big step you can take (see my free course below to help you out with that). While I know your calling is magnificent because God made you with purpose, that doesn’t mean you need to be making a huge impact on a lot of people. That may be your thing, but it’s just as magnificent to make a positive impact on a few lives and use those gifts God gave you which you may use to create a joyful home and nurture those special children in your life. Without a doubt I see the role of a parent as a vital calling and for some that may be all encompassing.

Uncover Your Vision and Purpose

Take my Free Course

If you need to get clarity on what you're meant to do - on what YOU were created for - then this short course is for you. Check it out and get moving forward on what matters.

Next Steps

To move forward with that stuff that really matters, you need to take action, so here are a few options for your next step:

  • Take the free course linked in the image above to start or get more clarity on living out your vision and purpose.
  • Start writing down your vision – see this post with accompanying video to get the basics on creating your dreaming and planning book.
  • Learn something new – there’s always learning involved in living out your purpose, so think of some course to take, book to read or videos to watch that will give you some knowledge that may directly relate to your calling now or in the future.

Pick one, do them all, or be inspired to take some other action to move forward with living the good life meant for you. For more action ideas check out all the blog posts on discovering God’s vision and purpose for your life

Written by Steph Morrison

Steph MorrisonSteph has been building businesses, mostly from home, for over 10 years, motivated by her strong determination that her two youngest boys would be educated at home. Pursuing her calling to help parents enjoy the responsibility of educating their children, she works in the marketing department of The Old Schoolhouse®, and coaches and trains entrepreneurs to start and grow their business from home. Her and her family are perfectly placed in the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada. She loves being a homebody and building up her permaculture property. Learn more about Steph at the About Steph page.

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