Business and Career Coaching

Are you looking to make a career change or grow in a new direction in your current career? Then you’ll likely benefit from business and career coaching. Online programs for training, communication and accountability are used by Work and Play Coach, Steph Morrison, to help you make the shift in your life that is right for you.

Coaching isn’t really about having someone give you the answers and make the best decisions for you. A business coaching relationship is what helps you realize what the best approach is for you and gives you the questions that bring out your answers to how you’re going to move forward. When you can talk out loud and hear yourself think, you can come up with exceptional ideas and make outstanding decisions.

However, Steph will often provide clients with technical assistance to move forward in their goals and recommendations for administrative and marketing assistance as needed. With her 10+ years working in the marketing field, she has the knowledge to give for business startup, business growth and professional development.

In business or career coaching you’ll be guided:

  • to discover the answers you need to move forward in your professional endeavours
  • to set, clarify, and maintain focus on your goals
  • to be accountable for what you say you’re going to do
  • to establish your own solutions and strategies
  • to be encouraged, believe in yourself even when you’re experiencing setbacks
  • to recognize when you may be holding yourself back

Monthly Coaching Package - Sessions and SupportMonthly coaching packages are customized to your needs in meeting frequency and weekly support. In general, coaching sessions will be 30-45 minutes and can be every week, two weeks or once a month. We’ll also discuss the best way we can strengthen accountability and have regular contact between sessions. (i.e. collaboratively working together to encourage action and celebrate accomplishments through communication between sessions).

You may also be looking for a one time session (after a complementary discovery call- see below) to move forward on a small matter or get insight on business or personal projects. That can be arranged as well.

Monthly coaching packages include one-on-one calls, email/text support, and access to additional resources and customized plans to achieve your goals. Cost is $100-350 per month (start and stop at any time)

Let me help you be fulfilled in your work (and play!), whether the focus is on business or career development.

Career and Business Coaching Online by Steph Morrison

Steph MorrisonSteph has been building businesses, mostly from home, for over 10 years, motivated by her strong determination that her two youngest boys would be educated at home. Pursuing her calling to help parents enjoy the responsibility of educating their children, she works with select clients in the home education industry, and coaches and trains entrepreneurs to start and grow their business from home. Her and her family are perfectly placed in the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada. She loves being a homebody and building up her permaculture property. Learn more about Steph at the About Steph page.

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